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Roll Cages

Roll cages are essential safety equipment for any vehicle that is used for racing or off-roading. These sturdy structures are designed to protect the driver and passengers in the event of a rollover or other accidents. While there are many different types of roll cages available, they all serve the same purpose - to provide a strong and reliable safety barrier. Some of the most common subcategories of roll cages include bolt-in, weld-in, and custom-made options. Each type offers its own unique features and advantages, catering to the specific needs of different vehicles and drivers. Investing in a high-quality roll cage is a must for any serious racer or off-roader, as it can mean the difference between life and death in a dangerous situation.
56 products found
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'A' frame roll container cover
Nestable 'A' frame roll containers with locking base
Nestable 'A' frame roll containers with locking base
Konga van height security roll containers
Konga van height security roll containers
Standard nestable 'A' frame roll containers, 3 sided
Lockable nestable 'A' frame roll containers
Lockable demountable roll container
Standard demountable roll containers, 3 sided
Standard demountable roll containers, 4 sided
Plastic base roll containers, 2 sided
Plastic base roll containers, 3 sided
Nestable 'A' frame roll containers with mesh panels - steel mesh base
Mobile and static cylinder cages - Mobile
Mobile and static cylinder cages - Mobile
Mobile and static cylinder cages - Static
Mobile and static cylinder cages - Static
Standard nestable 'A' frame roll containers, plastic base
Nestable 'A' frame roll containers with mesh panels - blue plastic base
Steel lockable container trucks
COSHH hazardous Boxwell® mesh sided shelf trucks, extra shelves
COSHH hazardous Boxwell® mesh sided shelf trucks, extra shelves
COSHH hazardous Boxwell® mesh sided shelf trucks, extra shelves
COSHH hazardous Boxwell® mesh sided shelf trucks, extra shelves
Total 56 products
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