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First Aid Room

The First Aid Room category provides a wide range of essential products for emergency situations. These products are designed to be used in various industries and settings, ensuring that individuals receive the necessary care in times of need. Our selection includes critical injury packs, haemostatic trauma kits, freeze sprays, hot and cold packs, and outdoor defibrillator cabinets. These products are carefully selected to meet the highest quality standards and provide effective relief in emergency situations. Our first aid room products are suitable for all industries and are a must-have for any workplace. With these products on hand, you can ensure the safety and well-being of your employees at all times.
581 products found
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Wallace Cameron Instant Cold Pack 3601013
Lifeline Aed Semi Automatic Defibrillator
Wallace Cameron Blunt Ended Scissors 125mm 4825013
Reliance Medical Relief Instant Ice Pack 300 x 130mm (Pack of 10) 710
HypaSoothe Burn Dressing 10 x 10cm Sterile Hydrogel Impregnated Pad Dressing - D8160
Click Medical Physio Hot And Cold Pack Reusable
Click Medical Haemostatic Spray 70ml
Sharpsafe Sharps Bin 0.2Ltr
Click Medical Gas Lift Saddle Stool
Hypaguard Cellular Blanket
Click Medical Disposable Paper Kidney Dish 700ml  (Box of 10)
Click Medical Disposable Paper Vomit / General Purpose Bowl 230mm  (Box of 10)
Clinell Universal Dispenser
Ergodyne N-Ferno Hand Warming Packs  (Box of 40)
Rapid Aid Premium Reusable Cold Compress 5”X 11”
Rapid Aid Deluxe Hot / Cold Gel Compress C / W Contour Gel 6”X 5” 6 X 5”
Vivest Power Beat Semi Auto Aed X1  Black H23.2Xw20.9Xd5.9
Wallace Cameron Resusciade Vent Aid (Pack of 3) 5001026
Wallace Cameron Emergency Foil Blanket (Pack of 6) 4803008
Wallace Cameron Tough Cut Scissors 4825014
Wallace Cameron First Aid Bag 1024022
Reliance Medical Evacuation Chair with 2 Rear Wheels 6038
Securikey Medical Cabinet Medium KFAK02
Total 581 products
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